Thursday, August 6, 2009

At 8:50 am Thursday morning

Me, glancing up and seeing The Intern standing in my office doorway silently (God knows how long he was standing there, instead of knocking or saying something like a NORMAL HUMAN BEING): Oh! Good morning.

Intern: Hi, how are you?

Me: I'm fine. And you?

Intern: I feel powerful!

Me: *blank stare* What??

Intern: I feel, you know, energy!

Me: Oh.

I walk away, but he follows me into the kitchen. I just need a freakin coffee so I can attempt to deal with him.

Intern: How was your weekend, er, I mean, week, er, um, how was your last night after leaving the work office?
(That's what he actually said, verbatim. I shit you not.)

Me: *blank stare*

Me: It was fine.

Intern: Ow! *grabs the back of his head*

Me: Um, are you okay?

Intern: My head hurts.

Me: What happened?? You should get that checked out.

Intern; Oh, it just itches.

Me: Does it hurt or itch? Those are pretty different things.

Intern: Itches.

Me: Maybe you should get that checked out anyway.

And all this happened BEFORE 9am. At least let me finish my first cup of coffee first so I have a fighting chance!

1 comment:

  1. I keep playing this over and over in my head and it gets funnier every time.

    - Charles
